RAMIRI - News http://www.ramiri.eu/ Mon, 26 Mar 2012 13:35:39 +0000 RAMIRI at ICRI 2012 in Copenhagen! <p>The RAMIRI project was big news at the recent ICRI (International Conference on Research Infrastructures) held in Copenhagen 21-23 March! We were mentioned by a number a speakers, including Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph (current Chair of <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/index_en.cfm?pg=esfri" target="_blank">ESFRI</a>, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), Professor Wouter Los from<a href="http://www.lifewatch.eu/ " target="_blank"> LifeWatch</a>/University of Amsterdam and Professor Carlo Rizzuto, seen here discussing RAMIRI during the session chaired by Professor John Wood.&nbsp;</p> <p>In addition to data and instrumentation, Professor Rizzuto said, we need to focus our attention on the 'humanware' (human expertise) that is an essential ingredient of best practices in international collaboraton and overall management.&nbsp;</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/27/ramiri+at+icri+2012+in+copenhagen%21 Fri, 23 Mar 2012 11:30:23 +0000 Pamela Zolda, 2011 Class Representative, collects award for best poster for Euro-BioImagine at ICRI 2012! <p>Pamela Zolda and her colleague Antje Keppler collected the prize for the best poster (delegate vote) at ICRI (<span>International Conference on Research Infrastructures) held in Copenhagen 21-23 March!&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span>Well done, Pamela, and well done to Euro-BioImaging!</span></p> <p>A picture is available <a href="http://yfrog.com/kezmsdkfj" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/26/pamela+zolda%2C+2011+class+representative%2C+collects+award+for+best+poster+for+euro-bioimagine+at+icri+2012%21 Fri, 25 Nov 2011 13:37:28 +0000 31 December is closing date for 2012 Learning Programme applications. Apply now! <p>We are now accepting applications for the <a href="/2012">2012</a> Learning Programme, which will be held in Prague (12-14 March) and Trieste (June, dates to be confirmed). Attendance is required in both locations.&nbsp;</p> <p>The closing date for applications is <strong>31 December 2011</strong>. The Selection Committee will meet on 17 January and we should therefore be able to notify applicants of our decision soon after this date.&nbsp;</p> <p>A bursary of up to&nbsp;<span>&euro;1000, to subsidise travel to Prague and Trieste, and 2-3 nights' accommodation in each, is available to selected applicants on the basis of need.&nbsp;</span></p> <p>For more information, and to apply, please see our <a href="/howtoapply">application page</a>.&nbsp;</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/25/31+december+is+closing+date+for+2012+learning+programme+applications.+apply+now%21 Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:08:02 +0000 Applications for 2011 RAMIRI programme now open! Closing date 2 May. <p>The RAMIRI 2 Consortium is delighted to announce that we have received confirmation of funding until the end of October 2012.</p> <p>We are therefore now able to open the application round for places on the 2011 and 2012 training programmes.&nbsp;</p> <p>The 2011 training programme will be held in Amsterdam (14-15 July) and Trieste (24-25 October).</p> <p>Next year's programme will take place in Prague and Trieste, but the dates for 2012 have yet to be confirmed.&nbsp;</p> <p>To find out more, and to apply for either 2011 or 2012, please click <a href="/howtoapply">here</a>.</p> <p>Please note the closing date for 2011 applications is Monday, 2 May 2011.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/24/applications+for+2011+ramiri+programme+now+open%21+closing+date+2+may. Thu, 15 Oct 2009 14:21:18 +0000 ERAB Report Published <p>The European Research Area Board (ERAB), chaired by Professor John Wood, has published its first annual report, entitled, 'Preparing Europe for a New Renaissance - A Strategic View of the European Research Area'. The paper makes the case for new and creative thinking to prepare Europe for the research landscape in 2030, in which interdisciplinarity and e-collaboration will be the hallmarks.</p> <p>Read the report <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/research/erab/pdf/erab-first-annual-report-06102009_en.pdf" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/23/erab+report+published Thu, 15 Oct 2009 15:17:07 +0000 RAMIRI: the film <p>In September of 2009, fifty RI-managers disappeared into the ESRF and ILL in Grenoble, France, while taking part in a RAMIRI conference... One month later, the following footage was found.</p> <p> <script src="/flash/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <object data="/flash/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" height="240" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="432"> <param name="id" value="FLVPlayer" /> <param name="salign" value="lt" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="scale" value="noscale" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="&amp;MM_ComponentVersion=1&amp;skinName=/flash/Clear_Skin_2&amp;streamName=/flash/ramiri&amp;autoPlay=false&amp;autoRewind=false" /> <param name="src" value="/flash/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" /> <param name="name" value="FLVPlayer" /> <param name="flashvars" value="&amp;MM_ComponentVersion=1&amp;skinName=/flash/Clear_Skin_2&amp;streamName=/flash/ramiri&amp;autoPlay=false&amp;autoRewind=false" /> </object> </p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/22/ramiri%3A+the+film Fri, 09 Oct 2009 13:02:54 +0000 Photos from the London and Grenoble conferences now up at Flickr <p> </p> <p>A selection of the conference photos from London and Grenoble are now up at <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/41217793@N05/sets/" target="_blank">Flickr</a>. I'll put the Hamburg pics up when I have them... I've got them all at bigger sizes, so just let me know if you'd like any at high-res.</p> <p>~ ~ nwv</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/21/photos+from+the+london+and+grenoble+conferences+now+up+at+flickr Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:52:07 +0000 John Wood on the GridCast blog <p>Professor John Wood recently spoke to GridCast (the regular blog of the <a href="http://www.gridtalk.org/" target="_blank">GridTalk</a> project). In it he answers questions about the future direction of ESFRI and its connection to e-infrastructures. Read the interview <a href="http://gridtalk-project.blogspot.com/2009/09/conversation-with-john-wood.html" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/20/john+wood+on+the+gridcast+blog Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:15:52 +0000 Updated Grenoble Programme now published <p> </p> <p>Download an updated programme for Grenoble <a href="/assets/images/1252570461ramiri_grenoble_v2.pdf" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/19/updated+grenoble+programme+now+published Mon, 07 Sep 2009 12:38:25 +0000 Getting from Lyon Saint-Exupéry to the Grenoble hotel <p> </p> <p>If you are coming to the Grenoble conference, please note that we will provide free coach transfers from the airport at 1900 and 2100hrs. The waiting room for the coaches will be clearly sign-posted.</p> <p>If you are coming at different times, your best best is the regular public bus service that will take you directly into the centre of Grenoble. See <a href="http://www.faurevercors.fr/pdf/SAT_RS_HORAIRES_en.pdf" target="_blank">this link</a> for timetables. We do not recommend getting a taxi as it is very expensive (150 euros +).</p> <p>I look forward to seeing many of you again in Grenoble! ~~ Naomi</p> <p> </p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/18/getting+from+lyon+saint-exup%C3%A9ry+to+the+grenoble+hotel Thu, 27 Aug 2009 11:31:57 +0000 Correction: Shuttle times from Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport on 9 September <p> </p> <p>For those of you who will be attending the RAMIRI Conference taking place in Grenoble between 9 and 11 September, please note the following correction to the airport transfer shuttle times that were printed in the Conference Programme.</p> <p>A bus will leave Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport at the following times on Wednesday 9 September:</p> <p><strong>1900</strong> and <strong>2100 </strong>(and not 2130 as previously stated)</p> <p>There will be a sign for the lounge where delegates will be able to wait while in the airport. The shuttles will take delegates directly to the Conference hotel, the Resid'home Caserne de Bonne.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/17/correction%3A+shuttle+times+from+lyon+saint-exup%C3%A9ry+airport+on+9+september Mon, 20 Jul 2009 17:24:29 +0000 RAMIRI Symposium gets off to a great start in London! <p>Over 100 delegates attended the first part of the RAMIRI Symposium in London at Imperial College from 15-17 July. More photos of the conference and the speakers' presentations will be added to the website soon...</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/15/ramiri+symposium+gets+off+to+a+great+start+in+london%21 Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:31:15 +0000 RAMIRI Twitter feed is live! <p>Follow the debates from RAMIRI and join in the discussion via Twitter, by going to <a href="http://www.twitter.com/ramiriproject" target="_blank">www.twitter.com/ramiriproject</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/12/ramiri+twitter+feed+is+live%21 Thu, 02 Jul 2009 16:12:27 +0000 Travel information for London! Extra coach for delegates with early flights from LHR <p>If you need to catch an early flight on the 17th July, we are now providing an additional coach to take delegates after the lunch at UKAEA-Culham directly to Didcot Parkway Station. This will allow delegates to make earlier flights from London Heathrow, or elsewhere.</p> <p>For further information about getting to and from the London conference, please see <a href="/symposium/5/london/directions">here</a>, or contact <a href="mailto:"ramiri@imperial.ac.uk"">Naomi</a>.</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/10/travel+information+for+london%21+extra+coach+for+delegates+with+early+flights+from+lhr Thu, 28 May 2009 16:40:44 +0000 Places for Grenoble now filled, but some space still for Hamburg. 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/8/places+for+grenoble+now+filled%2C+but+some+space+still+for+hamburg.+ Tue, 17 Mar 2009 16:31:17 +0000 RAMIRI website now launched! <p>...</p> 1 http://www.ramiri.eu/news/6/ramiri+website+now+launched%21